What if I need an X-RAY?

What if I need an X-RAY?

A common concern amongst patients who are considering Osteopathy, is that they may need some sort of scan.

It's perfectly normal to consider the need for a scan when you're in pain. There are many things which scans are completely necessary for when it comes to pain and injuries. For example, after a traumatic ankle roll, the risk of fracture could lead your Osteopath to request a scan. A different reason for a scan could be when a patient’s complaint is not clear and difficult to diagnose. In this instance, your Osteopath may request imaging to help them correctly diagnose and formulate your treatment plan.

Part of what every Osteopath is expected to know, is when it is appropriate to refer. This means, that you can feel comfortable visiting an Osteopath here at BVC, knowing that if a scan is needed, we'll help you get it organised as soon as possible. We work regularly with Orthopaedic and radiological teams to make sure our patients are getting the support and care they deserve.

For any more info about Osteopathy, don't hesitate to message our team!


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