Five ways to help your skeletons health.

You’re skeleton is for life, not just Halloween.

Let's start with a spooky fact:

Bones are constantly remodeling themselves. As a healthy human, each year your body has replaced 10% of it's old skeleton with new bone. This means every 10 years, you have a new skeleton!

Because this remodeling process isn't always working perfectly, some people's bones can become brittle.

If you want to try and look after your skeleton, here are 5 tips everyone can do:

1. Weight Bearing Exercise- Things like; walking, running, skipping and weight lifting are great for your bones. This is because the impact will encourage your skeleton to remain strong. Don't worry, other exercises like cycling and swimming are still good for you in other ways!

2. Get outside in the sun- Getting plenty of vitamin D is important as it allows your body to absorb calcium. A great source of Vitamin D is the sun! Between 10 and 30 mins in the sun (depending on your skin) before you apply sun cream is a good way to help your bones whilst staying protected!

3. Consume Vitamin D- During the winter many people become vitamin D deficient as we spend more time indoors. Supplementing this vitamin is always an option, but foods like; oily fish, red meat, egg yolks and mushrooms are also a great choice.

4. Calcium- A balanced diet should contain 700mg of calcium a day. You'll find plenty in your greens, natural yogurt or soy.

5. Live healthy- We all know when we're drinking too much, and what smoking does to our bodies. If you want to give your skeleton the best chance of staying strong, cigarettes and alcohol aren’t advised.


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