Is your baby unsettled?

Is your baby showing signs of being unsettled?


A baby being unsettled can sometimes look like: thrashing at night, general unsettledness/uncomfortableness, pulling legs up to the tummy and disrupted sleep.


Unsettledness may be a result of a feeding related issue like tongue tie, which can impact breast feeding. Other reasons include: taking in air when feeding, poor latch, allergies, intolerances, restrictions in the neck and the birthing process.


Osteopathy can help!


Firstly, we’ll take a complete case history. We’ll want to hear about your child’s birth, their development and of course, their symptoms. Following this, we’ll assess if your baby has accommodated the birth process well, or if there is a legacy from that event.


As Osteopaths, we can identify key areas of dysfunction and anomalies within your child’s body. We assess how comfortable the cranial bones feel (do they need support in moulding). We also look at feeding mechanisms, examine the gut and much, much more!


Your Osteopath will use a gentle treatment approach called Cranial Osteopathy to improve tongue mechanics. They will also loosen any neck restrictions and work on the diaphragm and thorax- which helps the pressure within the torso. These treatments also help to regulate your baby’s nervous system and will improve alignment and their ability to rest.


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