What is colic? What can be done?

When diagnosing Colic, it is important to rule out any possible intolerances or cow’s milk protein allergies first.

Your Osteopath will aim to optimise gut function and identify the underlying causes of your baby's symptoms.

Due to excessive crying, colic babies can take in a lot of air. This unfortunately increases the sensation of discomfort for baby. Our gentle techniques aim to minimize/remove the presence of wind.

Your Osteopath will feel for tension in your baby’s thorax and abdomen. This can be a result of the delivery. Your Osteopath will use gentle techniques to balance the rib cage and release any restrictions felt through the diaphragm.

Another factor to consider is the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a nerve which supplies the digestive system and allows us to swallow. It is often found to be irritated when a baby presents with colic.
This irritation/compression can often happen during the birthing process. Gently encouraging your baby to release tension in the neck and around the mouth, can contribute to improved suckling, reducing air swallowed during feeds and begin to resolve the cause of colic.

What parents can do to help reduce the symptoms of colic:

1.   Massage- A gentle tummy massage can help to improve the  discomfort felt and improve the movement of trapped wind. You can gently massage the tummy in clockwise direction. Avoid tummy massage after feeds.

2.   Holding baby in an upright position- Try to keep your baby as upright as possible while feeding to reduce risk of air swallowing. If you are unsure about a good latch, speak to a lactation consultant.

3.   Burping- Holding baby upright over your shoulder and gently rub the back to bring up wind. Gently rock your baby over your shoulder.

4.    A warm bath- this may relax your baby as heat has a relaxing affect on our muscular system.

Marie Pitchie-Cooper

Marie is a highly experienced Cranial Osteopath, specialising in babies/children and women’s health.


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