Taking a Nutritional Supplement?

Most people feel they are deficient in something and decide to take a supplement.

What a lot of people don't realise, is that Vitamins are reliant on each other for absorption. For example, Vitamin D requires high levels of Vitamin C for absorption, and Vitamin C requires Calcium.

So in actual fact, you could be wasting your money on vitamins!

What about taking a multivitamin. That's better, right? 

The answer is... it's a catch 22.

Yes, you benefit from taking a multivitamin instead of nothing at all. However, a multivitamin simply takes your levels from where they currently are, at any given point in time and raises them by the respective percentages on the tub. 

This means you can still be deficient in certain areas!


What is the best way forward?

Fixing the source of the deficit!

Often, you are deficient due to your food intake. Improving your intake and achieving both a balanced and nutrient dense diet will help you achieve optimum health. 


What can we do to help?

Our 8 and 12 week plans provide a full analysis of your current food intake, including areas where you are Macro and Micronutrient deficient. 

We then calculate what your actual intakes should be based on and focus on alignment of these compositions across the course of your sessions.

We apply incremental steps and support you, to ensure a sustainable lifestyle change is achieved.


Life’s better when you’re in balance!


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