Osteopathy- More Than Just Back Pain Treatment

Osteopathy is a method of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. A good Osteopath should examine what they think is causing your pain at the time they meet you, but also begin to consider the causative factors. This leads to a treatment plan which aims to reduce pain and reduce the chance of your pain returning.

As a form of primary health care, Osteopathy is growing in popularity. Many patients welcome the chance to be cared for without medication or invasive treatment, and see the benefits of treating the source of their problem, instead of potentially masking it.

More than just back pain

When many people think ‘Osteopathy’, they think ‘Osteopathy for bad back’. Despite bad back treatment being something we commonly do, Osteopaths are trained to provide treatment for a much broader range of issues.

Osteopathy for neck pain is one of the most impactful treatments we administer at our clinic. Many patients suffer from stiffness in the neck and shoulders, which can result in headaches and much discomfort. Osteopaths can help to free the muscles in the neck and shoulders, and help reduce restriction in the joints. Patients also respond well to habit changes, such as using their stomach muscles to breath, instead of the muscles in their neck and shoulders.

Osteopathy for Sciatica is another valuable way in which we can reduce discomfort. An Osteopath will always examine a patient and attempt to find the area in which the sciatic nerve is being compromised. Treatment options will then be tailored to each patient, and may involve; improving spinal mobility, reducing buttock muscle tension and helping the patient to stabilize the problem area.

Osteopathy for arthritis is another important part of our jobs. Osteoarthritis is the type of arthritis which is associated with gradual wear and tear of our joints. Despite the lower back being a common area for these aging changes, patients also suffer with arthritis in their hips and knees. Osteopaths can help to promote joint health, by using articulation techniques and helping to strengthen the surrounding area. We can also use techniques which are intended to move fluid, and help to reduce swelling. This can result in less pain, and improve a patient’s ability to exercise and use their body for longer.


There are many more examples of the different problems which Osteopaths can help to treat. They range from pregnancy treatment for lower back and round ligament pain, to sports injuries and much more.

If your wondering if we could help with your problem, don’t hesitate to email us at reception@bansteadvillageclinic.com.
Not into emails? Ask for a consultation with an Osteopath over the phone! We can be contacted during regular business hours on 01737 373684.


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